Saint Frai

Saint Frai

The Marie Saint-Frai Service, as its name suggests, is based in the  Accueil Marie Saint-Frai .

This was the first Accueil – the first structure to be dedicated to the welcome and accommodation of sick and/or handicapped pilgrims – and the Sisters of the Congregation of the Daughters of Our Lady of Sorrows have been there since its foundation, living their charism of Welcome and Compassion.

In this, the Sisters « family home », lady Hospitalières, but Hospitaliers too (men are also welcome in this Service, now that the various Services of the Hospitalité have opened up and become mixed) are invited to collaborate with the Sisters of the Community in welcoming sick and/or handicapped pilgrims and assuring everything they need during their pilgrimage in a warm and fraternal atmosphere.

In practice, various duties are required. It is mostly a question of helping the smooth running of the House by performing tasks which are simple – but oh, how important (!) for the wellbeing of those who are staying there.

  • Welcoming pilgrims in the dining room ; meal service ; washing-up ; some other housework tasks such as giving out clean sheets.…

  • Management of the office which loans out wheelchairs.

  • Help if needed in the sacristy, for celebrations in the two chapels. 

  • Staffing of the « Meeting Point » (a welcoming place where the sick and their pilgrimage helpers can meet and enjoy a range of drinks).

  • Various occasional services according to need (laundry ; sewing)

    The men and women in this Service may also be invited to share other duties elsewhere in the Hospitalité Notre Dame de Lourdes whenever this is necessary : Baths, Grotto, celebrations …

    This mission does not require any particular qualifications ; it is simply a matter of coming in a spirit of service, of availability, of humility and especially of generosity to live the Compassion of Christ with an open heart and a willingness to be there for others.

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