Our Mission
Article 2 of our Statutes sets out our mission :
The purpose of the Association is :
• to welcome pilgrims to Lourdes and especially those who are sick people, handicapped or alone and in need, from all countries, and to facilitate their pilgrimage ;
• to make possible, by its service, the major celebrations in the Sanctuary ;
• to transmit the Message of Lourdes.
In order to achieve this objective, it implements the material means necessary for the assistance and care of pilgrims in need who are sick people, handicapped or healthy, from all countries, arriving in Lourdes in groups or independently.
It provides for the transport of these persons from their point of arrival in Lourdes to the Sanctuary or the places where they are accommodated and welcomes them and those who accompany them at the various ceremonies.
It also provides, in the best possible budgetary conditions, accommodation and meals for the volunteer helpers, Hospitaliers, to enable them to carry out their service of welcoming pilgrims and accompanying them in their religious devotions.
And finally, it takes care in all things to bear witness to the Gospel.